Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm a Filmmaker

I cannot believe it's been nearly two months since I've posted anything on this blog. The long hiatus probably means no one will be reading this (unless you've somehow figured out a way to know when a blog gets updated).

Anyways, I must say that I've done a lot the last two months. I won't go into the details because that would take a bit too long, but I will say that it's been a great ride so far. Here are some of the few highlights:

-The music video I produced for my compadre Chase has been completed...the band A Kiss Could Be Deadly loved it, and we're set to premiere the video to fans and friends in the next few weeks.

-I had the pleasure of hosting a few lovely ladies over at Casa Del Phil...plenty of fun times had by all.

-The internship at Dreamworks' story department is nearly finished...

-Directed a couple cool scenes for my directing class, and, in the process, had the privilege of meeting a bunch of fun, talented actors...

-And...drumroll please...I got selected to direct a completely USC-financed short film for the upcoming Spring 2007 semester!! The project is called SQUARE WHEELS, a dark romantic dramedy in the vein of GHOST WORLD and SECRETARY. Rest assured you'll be hearing more about this as we get prep this pic over the next few months.

So, I feel like I'm a